Trust God In The imPossible

Help My Unbelief

Well if you missed the study Sunday, you can catch up here.  We’ve began a series called “Trust The imPossible” A Study In Faith.  In todays study, we look at Jesus healing a possessed boy and a father that finally puts his faith in the right spot…JESUS.

Admitting the areas we are weak in is sometimes a hard thing to do.  But as we’ll see, this Dad fully admitted to Jesus his weakness.  Then we see that Jesus gets all the glory.

Too often we put the glory back on ourselves.  We become the hero.  We become David slaying giants or Joshua knocking down huge walls or Peter walking on water.  But in reality, they were all Bozos and so are we!   GOD DID EVERYTHING!    EVERY TIME!!   God gets the glory every time!

  • It wasn’t David’s accuracy and power with a sling that sunk the little pebble into Goliath’s giant, thick skull.

  • It wasn’t Joshua’s mighty lung power and vocal range that vibrated the Jericho walls so much it fell.

  • It wasn’t Peter’s buoyancy that kept him afloat on the water. IT WAS ALL GOD!!

See, we don’t get the glory!!  God gets the glory!  We are just called to have faith in the God who does cool stuff like that!!!  Cool stuff like healing this demon possessed boy in todays study!  But that’s our part. Have faith!  Have faith in a God that does mighty, impossible things through broken weak people like us.

We pray that this series “Trust The imPossible” will increase your faith and like this father, help the areas of your life where there might be a little unbelief.

Watch the study here.

One Comment

  1. Dee Davidson says: ·

    Beautiful study bro. John. I pray that God will always decrease our unbelief and increase our faith to move those mountains in our lives. Thank you for your god-fearing obedience to teach God’s word in such a comforting home setting. Bless you both and your ministry. I’m looking forward to more!

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