Christmas Focus

As we focus this Christmas Season on the birth of Christ as believers, it has come to my attention that there is so much more to look at in regard to Jesus coming to earth. His leaving the Father in Heaven, becoming a baby, to one day be the Man, fulfilled Messiah, that took all my sins away, so I could be saved and have a life unto Christ.

I never had thought much about advent at Christmas time. In my mind, it was some religious tradition, that I didn’t really need and really understand. But I had a friend this year mention to me that she was going to go through an advent book, and it sparked my interest. I didn’t even know it, but my husband had purchased a book and was looking into advent as well at the same time.

So, I was scrolling across the internet as most of us do and not intentionally looking, I came across a small 4-week study on Advent that looked as though it was something I could handle during this busy season.

I couldn’t wait to jump into the study, and I knew that there were probably days ahead that I would miss due to the business of Christmas, but I started the study. Upon opening the book and looking at a set of cards that it came with, I realized that there was something so special about advent that I had been missing all these years!

Of course, like many believers, I value and cling to the fact that God came down to earth and was born as a baby, Jesus, and the purpose was and is to give us life eternally. The precious Son of God leaving his throne to become man, take on flesh, live a life of perfection and sinlessness, die on a cross, so that I, His daughter might live a life unto Him and for eternally with Him. Oh, how I appreciate and treasure the privilege of the birth of Jesus. But as I started to scroll through this advent book and jumping into day one, I saw that there was even more to think about during this season of the birth of Christ.

The study looks at Jesus as Prophet, Priest, King, and Messiah. The depth of the meaning of Jesus’ birth takes us back to the beginning of the Bible. Looking into the Old Testament, at the prophets that God graciously gave to people to turn them from their unbelief, faithlessness, rebelliousness, and sin, back to Him. God sends prophets to reveal all these things and to speak through them a message of repentance from sin, a renewed relationship, and worship of the Lord, giving them opportunity over and over again. He was so gracious to a rebellious, disobedient people, to keep sending His messengers.

As we have the entirety of the Bible, we see how the story ends! Unlike the prophets of old, Jesus, the ultimate prophet has shown His love to us. Truth is His every word, thought and deed towards us. Just like the prophets of the Old Testament, not only did Jesus call out for repentance in His earthly ministry, give messages of truth and how to live unto God, but He was THE ONE and the only One who could atone and forgive my sins and bring me into perfect fellowship with Him.

Over the past 2 years, the Lord has brought me to a place of delighting in His word in a deeper way. Digging into scripture to know my God more intimately and this season, taking a look at advent, He is giving me a deeper and richer understanding of who He is and the depths of what His birth means to me as a daughter of the King, Jesus.

I pray that you take time this season to draw close to Jesus and His Word. He has so much He wants to teach us about the gift of His birth. May this season you see the Hope, Joy, Peace, and Love that Jesus poured out for you and continues to graciously give to all who call upon Him.


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Acts Fellowship SusanvilleActs Fellowship is a Christian body of believers and followers of Jesus Christ. We are seeking to emulate the church in Acts. Home fellowship is a huge part of the body of Christ and we invite you to join us as we go through God’s Word together, building relationship, building family and growing our faith. We are live on Facebook every week and upload our messages to YouTube every week. If you can’t join us in person, catch up on all the messages here. If you want to support Acts Fellowship, we greatly appreciate your prayers, comments and encouraging emails.

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